"Next Personal ALS Stage: Hoyer Lift & Homebound"
Several weeks ago I began having more trouble helping transfer myself from my power wheelchair to the shower/commode wheelchair utilizing the sliding board. I found another board that took less effort on my part. However, I never felt safe while transferring. There was no question that my arms were getting weaker.
After a particularly challenging Saturday night which ended only after we called 9-1-1 and had the paramedics come and help, we called hospice. They and we agreed that it sounded like it was time for an evaluation and additional training. They informed us that a room was available in Kobacker House - a local In-house Hospice facility.
So, on Sunday morning, October 19, 2014 we drove to Kobacker and began getting acquainted with the staff and building on the Ohio Health campus. Talk about state-of-the-art facilities! Wow! When serving churches I had visited members and friends in the former Kobacker House and was impressed. This was my first time in the new facility and I can't say enough about the warmly welcoming and supportive atmosphere created by the staff and facility.
We were promptly shown to my room - spacious would be an understatement! Within a few minutes we were showing the staff the transfer boards we brought with us. They were quick to inform us that they considered the new one unsafe and that it was probably time to switch to the Hoyer Lift. Ugh! I was really disappointed. I verbally and non-verbally let them know how I felt.
You see, almost a 1/2 year earlier we had gone in for some respite care at a related facility and things had not gone well. The Kobacker staff assured me they knew what they were doing and it would be O. K. I think this is where I first smarted off with something like: "That's what they said last time!" They were fully aware of the last experience and kept up their reassuring comments.
They were right! Within a few days they had me home with my normal hospice team, a few relatives, and a for-pay agency. I was relaxed and am comfortable with how things are going. It has cut down on our traveling any distance though. Since it has gotten colder I've stopped going out at all. I guess that earns for me the label "homebound." Most of my time is spent in front of the gas fireplace trying to stay warm. I don't have much body fat to help.
Peace to you all!!!