Wednesday, May 28, 2014



A day close to Memorial Day weekend seems like an appropriate time to share an uncomfortable, albeit intriguing, experience I've had on several occasions these last few years. Once in awhile when a person opens a door or steps out of the way to let me by or in some way attempts to recognize my being in a wheelchair, I've been left with the distinct impression they've done so because they believe I'm the way I am because of military service.

Now, it's not that it offends me or anything like that. It's just I feel a little uncomfortable, embarrassed that I'm being recognized for something that's not the situation. While I've been tempted on those occasions to wave them off or to carry on a conversation with them, I rationalize they mean well and I probably couldn't make myself be understood anyhow. Rest assured I appreciate the help no matter how it was intended!

The observation and reflection provides me the opportunity to share something interesting about this ALS and the military though. It's not really good news but it's helpful information. Persons who have served in the military are twice as likely to have ALS as persons in the general population! This statistic probably has a lot to do with the Department of Defense being the agency entrusted with the funds to share with ALS researchers and those responsible for the ALS National Registry.


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